Track Chairs

1 National, regional, and international HRD Dae Seok Chai,  Colorado State University
2 HRD and sustainable development Loi Anh Nguyen, FPT University
3 Leadership development Rajashi Ghosh, Drexel University
4 Workplace learning and training and development Darlene Russ-Eft, Oregon State University
5 Career development Oliver Crocco, Louisiana State University
6 Organization development and performance Sehoon Kim, University of Minnesota
7 HRD and education Tam To Phuong, Foreign Trade University
8 Corporate social responsibility and ethics in HRD Yonjoo Cho, Indiana University
9 Information and communication technology and HRD Oranuch (Jued) Pruetipibultham, National Institute of Development Administration
10 Emerging issues and innovations in HRD Crystal Han, Boise State University