Paper Submission Guidelines



      The following three types of submissions are refereed (blind-reviewed). Please be sure to remove all author-identifying information from the uploaded document that is submitted for review, including acknowledgements, since this is the document that the reviewers will be reading. Proposals are judged based on overall quality, innovativeness, and contribution.

      All manuscripts/abstracts should clearly address a practical problem (i.e., the problem had some genesis in practice or is a potential/partial solution to a significant challenge). Equally important, submissions must include detailed implications not only for research and theory but also practice. These implications, where applicable, should be logical in terms of the context of practice and detailed enough to guide practitioners to integrate the recommendations into their practice based on their nuanced understanding of the cultures and needs that comprise that practice, and sufficiently evocative to inspire the practitioner to do so. All submissions will be reviewed using a single review form.

1. Full manuscript

Papers should be no more than 6,000 words in length (all-inclusive, including tables, figures, and references) with an abstract of no more than 250 words. Accepted papers will be published in the Conference Proceedings unless authors request otherwise.

For this category, authors will submit a full manuscript for peer review. However, authors will be able to choose whether to publish either an Abstract or the Full Manuscript in the published Conference Proceedings. This determination must be explicated upon initial submission:

  • If an author wishes to ultimately publish only an Abstract (rather than the full paper) in the proceedings, the author must submit an Abstract that follows the format in Appendix A of this Call for Papers, along with the full manuscript (Appendix B) that will be reviewed. Both the Full Manuscript and the Abstract will be reviewed as a package submission.
    • If the author wishes to publish the Full Manuscript in the proceedings, the author should not submit a separate AHRD-format Abstract for review. Only the Full Manuscript that follows the format in Appendix B of this Call for Papers will undergo peer review.

Note: The author(s) will not be able to change to publishing only an Abstract once reviews of only the Full Manuscript have been completed since the Abstract will not have undergone review.

2. Work-in progress (WIP) papers

      Extended summary of proposal/paper of about but no more than 3,000 words, to include paper’s significance, theoretical base, research purpose, research question/s, and methodology/methods.     

3. Practice-based papers

      Interested professionals and institutions (research institutes, companies, consulting agencies, government agencies, NGOs, and so on) may propose in this category to demonstrate good HRD practice. Submit a proposal within but close to 3,000 words. Proposals should have significant learning potential, must be based on sound theory and research, and should not be for publicity or commercial benefit.


       All submissions are required to include the following information on a separate cover page: title of paper, name(s) of author(s) in intended order of authorship, organizational affiliation(s), and position(s), mailing address, e-mail addresses, and telephone number for lead author.

      Based on the reviews, the editors reserve the right to reclassify manuscripts to a different category, if necessary. The language of paper submissions and conference presentations will be English. Submit paper through online system. The submission system is available from April 15, 2019 via our website.


Prepare manuscripts in Microsoft Word (12-point Times New Roman font, double-spacing, 1” margins on all sides). Follow formatting and reference style strictly as stated in the APA 6th style manual. Authors should include figures and tables within the text where they are intended to appear.

All submissions must comply with the guidelines outlined in this document to be reviewed for inclusion in the conference. Any submissions that are not in compliance will not be reviewed and/or accepted.

  • Submissions must comply with the word limits specified in the guidelines as described in the submission categories (above sections). Submissions exceeding word limits will not be reviewed.
  • Document is saved as a Microsoft Word document (.doc or .docx). Please do not submit PDF documents (even in final submission in October, 1st, 2019).
  • Document should be formatted for 8 ½ x 11 paper (with 1inch or 2.54 cm margins).
  • All submissions must comply with formatting and writing style standards as defined by the APA 6th unless the proposal requirements allow for exceptions.
  • Citations in text (accuracy of formatting according to APA 6th, remember et al. rules, listing all citations in references, and long and short quotation rules).
  • References (accuracy of APA 6th formatting, DOI’s included, alphabetized, all references cited in manuscript).

Appendix A: Format for Abstracts for Full Manuscripts that are not included in the Conference Proceedings. Abstracts will be included in the Conference Proceedings in lieu of publishing the full paper.

Each submitted abstract should be double-spaced and formatted according to the APA 6th  completed with a Title Page. The 300-word abstract of the accepted paper and 4-6 keywords must be on a separate page. The abstract should have the following components:

1. Title Page: Include the followings

  • The name(s) of the author(s)
  • A concise and informative title
  • The affiliation(s) and address(es) of the author(s)
  • The e-mail address, telephone number of the corresponding author.

2. Abstract: Provide an overview of your paper, up to 300 words.

3. Keywords: List 4-6 keywords

Appendix B: Format for full manuscripts that are included in the Conference Proceedings.

      Prepare manuscripts in Microsoft Word (12-point Times New Roman font, double- spacing, 1” margins on all sides). Follow formatting and reference style strictly as stated in the APA 6th. Authors should include figures and tables within the text where they are intended to appear.

All submissions are required to include a cover letter, on a separate page. The cover letter should include the title of paper, name, affiliation, position e-mail address of ALL of the authors, and the designation of the corresponding author. In addition, the telephone number of the corresponding author must be included. When listing the name of each author, please list the author’s name in this order: Last name – Middle Name – First Name.

1. Title Page: The title page should include:

  • The name(s) of the author(s)
  • A concise and informative title
  • The affiliation(s) and address(es) of the author(s)
  • The e-mail address, telephone number of the corresponding author.

2. Keywords: List 4 to 6 keywords which can be used for indexing purpose.

3. Abbreviations: Abbreviations should be defined at first mention and used consistently thereafter.

4. Acknowledgment: Acknowledgments of people, grants, funds, etc. should be placed in a separated section on the title page. The names of organizations should be written in full.

5. References: Follow formatting and reference style strictly as stated in the APA 6th.