Detailed Program


Session A

  Panel Discussion

(Room: Van Mieu 1+2)

Parallel Session 1

(Room: Song Hong)

Parallel Session 2

(Room: Song Lo)


Nov. 6


10:30 – 12:00



Bridging the Worlds of Research and Practice: A Case of Success

(Jia Wang; Barry Lawrence; Bharani Nagarathnam)

Session host: Gary N McLean Session host: Iván Zádori
Organization Development and Performance HRD and Sustainable Development
Study on Factors Influencing Work Motivation: Research Case Study of the Small Enterprises in the Textile Industry in Hanoi, Vietnam

(Trung Tuan Bui; Bui Anh Tuan; Nguyen Ngoc Dat; Nguyen Van Duy; Bui Thu Giang)

Developing Transgenerational Entrepreneurship in Family Businesses – A Grounded Theory Study in China

(Judy Sun; Lianjuan Wang; Jie Ke)

Factors Affecting Employees’ Work Passion in the Thai Insurance Industry

(Boonthipa Jiantreerangkool Wasita Boonsathorn Gary N. McLean)

Sustainability, Development Goals and Human Resource Development: Findings of the OVHR-model in Hungary

(Zsolt Nemeskéri Iván Zádori)

Do as I say, not as I do: Ethics Training programmes in the pharmacy

(Joan Buckley)

The Relationship between Mentoring, Challenge-Hindrance Stressors and Psychological Capital

(Yuxi Zhao Biyan Wen Xiaoman Zhou Huihui Zheng)

The Effects of Organizational Culture Types and Job Crafting on Engagement: Moderated Mediation Effect of Team Leader’s Empowering Leadership

(Hyo Seop Lee; Dae yeon Cho
Hyo Joo Kang; Inchul Cho Seung Ho Seo)

Lifelong Learning in Vietnam from a Multilevel Lens: An Integrative Review

(Huyen Thi Minh Van Fredrick M. Nafukho)


Session B

  Panel Discussion

(Room: Van Mieu 1+2)

Parallel Session 1

(Room: Song Hong)

Parallel Session 2

(Room: Song Lo)


Nov. 6


13:45 – 15:15


Globalizing Graduate Studies and Workplace Experiences

(Maria Cseh; Oliver S. Crocco)

Session host: Mesut Akdere Session host: Le Thai Phong
Organization Development and Performance Organization Development and Performance
Exploring Interactions of Organizational Dynamics Among Nurses in Turkey: Implications for Healthcare Administration

(Mesut Akdere; Mehmet Top; Menderes Tarcan)

Employee Engagement in SME Firms in Vietnam

(Phong Thai Le; Hanh Thi Nguyen; Trang Quynh Nguyen)

Factors Affecting Organizational Commitment among Employees in Post-Merger Enterprises

(Dung Tien Luu; Hoang Thi Thanh Chung; Tran Hoang Minh)

Influence of clan culture and perceived supervisor support on woman manager’s subjective career success: The mediating role of leadership competencies

(Suwon Yim; Kim Minyoung; Park Yoonhee)

Employer Branding Activities of Fast Moving Consumer Goods Multinational Companies in Vietnam

(Trang Thu Tran; Phung Cam Anh)

An Empirical Analysis of Competencies in Predicting Managerial Effectiveness of the Sales Managers: Vietnamese Banking Sector Perspective

(Nhung Thi Hoai Duong)

Employee Engagement of Young and Highly Educated Employees: Applying Job Demands-Resources Model

(Widdy Muhammad; Sabar Winawa; Yoshi Takahashi)

Human Capital, Innovation, and Productivity in Vietnam’s Manufacturing Industry

(Loi Anh Nguyen; Lam Thi Thanh Dao)


Session C

  Panel Discussion

(Room: Van Mieu 1+2)

Parallel Session 3

(Room: Song Hong)

Parallel Session 4

(Room: Song Lo)


Nov. 6


15:30 – 16:45



HRD’s Roles and Responsibilities in Aligning Mutual Expectations for Professional and Workplace Behaviors – An Indian Perspective

(Yogita Abichandani; Raka Bhaduri; Bidhan Chandra; Sanghamitra Chaudhuri; Rajashi Ghosh; Gary McLean; Ashutosh Muduli
Sonal Soni)

Session host: AAhad M. Osman-Gan Session host: Dao Ngoc Tien
Leadership Development Emerging Issues and Innovations in HRD
Effect of Leadership Style on Organizational Citizenship Behavior — Using Organizational Culture as a Mediator

(Fu-Man Hsieh; Che-Wei Liu)

U.S. Military Veteran Transition to Thai Workforce: The Role of Human Resource Development

(Oliver S. Crocco; Edward Gibbons)

Effects of Spiritual Intelligence on Leadership Effectiveness Mediated by Personal Values: An Empirical Investigation on Japanese Business Leaders

(AAhad M. Osman-Gani; Kiyoshi Kobayashi; SMH Kabir)

What Do International Students in Japanese Higher Education Need? Moderated Mediation Model of Positive Psychological Capital, Adjustment, Engagement, and Organizational Citizenship Behavior

(Jaeeun Lee; Dae Seok Chai; Chungil Chae)

Effects of Emotional Intelligence on Leadership Effectiveness Mediated by Personal Values: An Empirical Study in Japan

(AAhad M. Osman-Gani; Kiyoshi Kobayashi; SMH Kabir)

Faculty Development in the International Context and In Vietnam: A Review of Literature
(Thuy Bich Thuy; Tam To Phuong)
Do Business Linkages play a role to the ungrading wokers’ skills of small and medium sized enterprises in Vietnam?
(Vinh Thi Hong Cao; Dao Thi Thu Giang)
What is needed to practice knowledge sharing behaviour among the Malaysian public service administrators?

(Roziah Mohd Rasdi; Gangeswari Tangaraja)


Session D

  Panel Discussion

(Room: S6)

Parallel Session 1

(Room: S9 1.1)

Parallel Session 2

(Room: S9 1.2)

Parallel Session 3

(Room: S9 2.2)


Nov. 7


9:00 – 10:15



Contemporary Cases of HRD in South Korea: Challenges and Opportunities

(Sehoon Kim
Yonjoo Cho
Dae Seok Chai
Hanna Moon
Yoonhee Park)

Session host: Alexandre Ardichvili Session host: Rob Poell Session host: Jia Wang
Career Development Workplace Learning and Training and Development Emerging Issues and Innovations in HRD
“Not Worth the Effort”? Perception of Career Success of an Older Female Social Entrepreneur in Assessing the Impact of Her Lifework (Alexandre Ardichvili; Silvia Casa Nova; Diele Lobo) The Transfer of Entrepreneurship Training in Myanmar: The Effect of Implementation Intention Intervention  (Nu Nu Mai) Exploratory Study on the Development of Bullying in the Workplace and the Experience of Victims: Application of Evidence Theory  (Jihyun Shim; Saem Park)
Development of Career Competency Mobility Map: A Case of Technical Jobs in South Korea (Jiwon Park; Heajung Woo; Jiyoung Kim; Woocheol Kim) Contextualizing Human Resource Development and Workplace Learning within Adult and Continuing Education
(Rob Poell; Henriette Lundgren)
The Unheard Voice: International Students’ Experiences Integrating into U.S. Higher Education (Jia Wang; Huyen Thi Minh Van; Chih-Wei Wang; Jin Lee; Yasmeen Makarem)
Perspectives on Stigma and Career Development in Asian Workplace Contexts: A Multi-level, Multi-directional Conceptual Analysis of the Construct of Trust (Julie Ann Gedro) Determinants of Time Investment in Educaton and Training of Corporate Workers: Focusing on education and training methods
(Cho Sung-Eun; Lee Young-Min)
   Using Grounded Theory Approach in Dissertation: Experience Sharing

(Tam To Phuong; Jia Wang)

A Qualitative Exploration of the Success or Failure Factors in Entrepreneurship in Vietnam (Dat Quoc Nguyen; Hoan Hoang; Ly Dang; Hien Tran) Employees’ Endorsement of Their Abusive Leaders: The Role of Trust (Samian Samian; Corina D. Riantoputra) An Analysis of IT Education Programs for the Older Adults Using the Correspondence Analysis

(Young-min Lee; Ha-yeon Jang)


Session E

  Panel Discussion

(Room: S9 1.1)

Parallel Session 1

(Room: S9 1.2)

Parallel Session 2

(Room: S9 2.2)


Nov. 7


13:45 – 15:15


A Cross-SIG Proposal on Research and Teaching Collaboration Networking for the 2019 Asian AHRD Conference (Sanghamitra Chaudhuri; Sehoon Kim; Judy Yi Sun; Gary N. McLean) Session host: Seok-young Oh Session host: Yunsoo Lee
Emerging Issues and Innovations in HRD Organization Development and Performance
Korean self-initiated Expatriates’ developmental networks in Vietnam: Network and functions, and career growth opportunity

(Seok-young Oh, Kyoung-jin Jang)

A Study on Organizational Commitment Profiles in South Korea

(Yunsoo Lee; Ji Hoon Song)

Entrepreneurship Legacy in Second-generation Family Business Women Successors in China: Motivations, Opportunities and Challenges

(Jie Ke; Judy Sun; Lianjuan Wang; Jessica Li)

The Mediating Effect of Leader-Member Exchange between Cultural Intelligence, Job Dedication and Turnover Intentions

(Yunsoo Lee; Taejun Cho; Jin Lee)

Research Trends in HRD Using Network Text Analysis: An Explorative Study of Themes, Methodologies, and Contexts from 2010 to 2019
(Ji Hoon Song; Jinju Lee; Yohan Koo; Heesun Kim)
Innovative Work Behavior: HR Practice-related Key Drivers and its Impacts on Work Role performance

(Minh Thu Tran; Pham Thu Huong; Vu Huyen Phuong)

Human Resource Development (HRD): Why it Matters in the National Context of Afghanistan

(Sami Jabarkhail)

The influences of supportive leadership and family social support on women managers’ organizational effectiveness: The mediating effect of positive spillover between work and family

(Yoonhee Park; Jiyoung Kim; Harin Lee)


Session F

  Panel Discussion

(Room: S6)

Parallel Session 3

(Room: S9 1.1)

Parallel Session 4

(Room: S9 1.2)

Parallel Session 5

(Room: S9 2.2)


Nov. 7


15:30 – 16:45



Asian Women Entrepreneurs’ Business Startups and Development: A Panel Discussion of Six Country Cases

(Yonjoo Cho; Sanghamitra Chaudhuri; Hoang Anh Nguyen; Jiwon Park; Roziah Mohd Rasdi; Corina D. Riantoputra; Judy Yi Sun)

Session host: Tu Thuy Anh Session host: Oliver S. Crocco Session host: Yoshi Takahashi
HRD & Higher Education National, Regional, and International HRD Organization Development and Performance
Understanding Millennial Generation in Korean Higher Educational Context (Keunsun You)


Investigating the effect of Idiosyncratic deals in Asian countries: A Cross cultural analysis in Singapore, Thailand and Japan (Yasuhiro Hattori; Mai Huong Hoang; Hue Nguyen Thi Bich) Work Ability Index and Human Resource Development for an Ageing Workforce: Lessons Learned from a Hungarian Research Program

(Zsolt Nemeskéri; Iván Zádori; Antal Tibold; Gábor Szécsi)

Indicators in Higher Education Development Strategy and Lessons for Vietnam (Thuy Anh Tu; Pham Xuan Truong) National Human Resource Development in Vietnam: An Exploratory Study (Huyen Thi Minh Van; Tam To Phuong) Knowledge Management Strategy, Knowledge-Based HRM Practices and Employees’ Knowledge-Based Behaviour (Roksana Binte Rezwan; Yoshi Takahashi)
Knowledge Sharing in Higher Education: The Effects of President’s Leadership and Organizational Justice and the Mediating Effect of Members’ Communication (Soo Jung Kim; Ji Hoon Song; Myunghyun Yoo; Youjin Jang) A Situational Analysis on the Topic of Labor Movement in the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) (Quyen Thi Ngoc Tran; Nguyen Hong Hanh) A Collaborative Learning through Informal Conversation Group

(Suravee Sunalai)

Leadership Development Programs for Undergradaute Students: International Experiences and Lessions for Vietnam (Phuong Anh Luong; Huyen Thanh Thanh Nguyen; Tam To Phuong) Vietnam and Regional Human Resource Development in ASEAN (Oliver S. Crocco; Loi Nguyen; Oleksandr Tkachenko) Mindfulness Training Intervention and Employee Wellbeing (Phyu Phyu Zaw; Yoshi Takahashi)



Session G

  Panel Discussion

(Room: A. 901)

Parallel Session 1

(Room: A. 902)

Parallel Session 2

(Room: A. 1001)


Nov. 8


9:00 – 10:30



Journal Editors Panel on Academic Publishing: HRDQ, HRDR, HRDI, and ADHR

(Rajashi Ghosh; Jia Wang; Yonjoo Cho; Mesut Akdere)

Session host: Suravee Sunalai Session host: Nguyen Thi Hien
HRD & Higher Education Information and Communication Technology and HRD
Vietnamese Education Policy and Human Resource Development after the 1986 Economic Reform

(Lan Le Thi Ngoc; Nguyen Thu Thuy; Hoang Anh Duy; Hoang Thi Thu Phuong; Le Viet Anh)

Investigation into e-HR Practices at a Multinational Corporation in Taiwan

(Cai Rong Ho; Chu-Chen Rosa Yeh)

How does the Knowledge Management Strategy Enhance the Effectiveness of Thai Higher Education Institutions?

(Suravee Sunalai)

Scaling up Professional Development through Virtual Platforms: Lessons Learnt from Education Research and its Implications to Human Resource Development

(Bhagyashree Barhate; Rafael Lara-Alecio; Beverly J Irby; Fuhui Tong; Cindy Guerrero; Sharmila Pathikonda)

Implication of Leadership and Workgroup Attributes and Perceived Behavioural Control towards Organizational Citizenship Behaviour for Environment and Organizational Performance

(Jhilmil Das)

Probing into Blockchain Adoption in Malaysia’s Human Resource Landscape: A Qualitative Study

(AnnJil Chong)

Perceptions on Employability in Education by M.A. TESOL Students

(Man Jiang)

Workplace Technology Overload on Employees’ Work-life Balance and Psychological Well-being: The Moderating Effect of Human Resource Policies

(Chu-Chen Rosa Yeh)

Strategy and Policy on Development of National Personnel Resources of Malaysia Through Training Education Lessons Learned for Vietnam

(Nguyen Thi Tung Lam)