About – Conference


The 18th International Asian Conference of the Academy of Human Resource Development will be held in Hanoi, Vietnam November 5-8, 2019. It is being hosted by Foreign Trade University, Vietnam (FTU). Please visit http://english.ftu.edu.vn for more information about FTU.

The conference will present the latest research findings, theoretical development, and examples of good practice in HRD. FTU proudly invites academics and professionals working in any specialist field of HRD to contribute to the conference by presenting papers, participating in forum discussions, and attending workshops.

Researchers and scholar-practitioners in all academic fields within the government, enterprises, education, and NGOs are invited to contribute papers related to the following themes:

  1. National, regional, and international HRD
  2. HRD and sustainable development
  3. Leadership development
  4. Workplace learning and training and development
  5. Career development
  6. Organization development and performance
  7. HRD and education
  8. Corporate social responsibility and ethics in HRD
  9. Information and communication technology and HRD
  10. Emerging issues and innovations in HRD