Call for Submissions


Foreign Trade University (FTU) is pleased to host the 18th International Asian Conference of the Academy of Human Resource Development in Hanoi, Vietnam, during November 5-8, 2019. 

The conference will present the latest research findings, current practices, and theoretical development in HRD. FTU proudly invites academics and professionals working in any specialty field of HRD to contribute to the conference by presenting papers, participating in discussions, and attending workshops.

The conference accepts manuscripts of original research that has not been published elsewhere. Researchers and scholar-practitioners from all academic, governmental, and enterprise fields are invited to contribute papers related to HRD. The tracks will consist of the following: 

  1. National, regional, and international HRD
  2. HRD and sustainable development
  3. Leadership development
  4. Workplace learning and training and development
  5. Career development
  6. Organization development and performance 
  7. HRD and education
  8. Corporate social responsibility and ethics in HRD 
  9. Information and communication technology and HRD
  10. Emerging issues and innovations in HRD

Accepted papers will be presented during presentation sessions of the conference from November 6-8, 2019. Each presentation will be approximately 20 minutes.


     The official language for this international conference is English. A maximum of 3 proposals will be accepted for each lead author. Submissions are to be made to one or more of the following categories: 

     Refereed papers (full manuscripts): 

     Papers should be about but no more than 6,000 words in length (all-inclusive, including tables and references) with an abstract of about but no more than 250 words. Accepted papers will be published in the proceedings unless authors request otherwise. Authors of accepted papers are encouraged, following the conference, to submit them to the HRD journals: Human Resource Development International, Human Resource Development Quarterly, Human Resource Development Review, and Advances in Developing Human Resources. Another option could be a chapter in the book Human Resource Development in Vietnam: Research and Practicetentatively for publication in mid-2020 (see more at

     Work-in-progress (WIP) papers: 

     Extended summary of proposal/paper of about but no more than 3,000 words, to include paper’s significance, theoretical base, research purpose, research question/s, and methodology/methods.     

     Practice-based papers: 

     Interested professionals and institutions (research institutes, companies, consulting agencies, government agencies, NGOs, and so on) may propose in this category to demonstrate good HRD practice. Submit a proposal within but close to 3,000 words. Proposals should have significant learning potential, must be based on sound theory and research, and should not be for publicity or commercial benefit. 


Posters offer the opportunity to present data and have substantive discussions with interested colleagues. Submit an abstract of your proposed poster (about but no more than 750 words). There will be a designated time for a synchronous poster session in which authors present their posters and exchange ideas with colleagues. 

     Non-refereed sessions:

     Submit an abstract (100 words max), description of a focus (typically a panel) or innovative session (3,000 words max and facilitator information).

Proposal Submission Dates:  

Date Step
April 15, 2019 Submission begins
August 10, 2019 Submission deadline (Extension)
August 30, 2019 – September 15, 2019 Notification to authors for revisions/changes (Extension)
October 1, 2019 Camera-ready submission deadline


Review Process

     At least two reviewers will review each submission under a double-blind peer-review process. All submissions will be reviewed based on the following criteria: 

  1. Significance/contribution to the HRD field 
  2. Clear aim and purpose 
  3. Theoretical foundations 
  4. Appropriate methodology and methods 
  5. Conclusions/likely conclusions based on results or anticipated results
  6. Quality of writing and formatting (APA 6th ed.); proposals submitted without proper formatting will be returned for correct formatting
  7. Relevance of paper to conference theme (not required, but a bonus will apply) 

Instructions to Authors

     Prepare manuscripts in Microsoft Word (12-point Times New Roman font, double spacing, 1” margins on all sides). Follow formatting and reference style strictly as stated in the APA style manual (6th Ed.). Authors should include figures and tables within the text where they are intended to appear. 

     All submissions are required to include the following information on a separate cover page: title of paper, name(s) of author(s) in intended order of authorship, organizational affiliation(s), position(s), e-mail addresses, telephone number for the lead author, proposed track, submission category, and number of words.

     Based on the reviews, the editors reserve the right to reclassify manuscripts to a different category or track. The language of paper submissions and conference presentations will be English. 

     Submit proposals through the online system only. The submission system will be available from April 15, 2019 via our website at



Registration Dates:

Early bird registration ends: Sept. 20, 2019

Registration Fees (USD):


Category Early bird Standard
Regular 350 400 400 450
Participants from low-income and lower middle income countries and students 200 250


A half day (morning or afternoon) Free
All day 15